Lost in Translation

Thanks to a very positive run of Lost in Translation at The Kraken, one of my many playtest adventures for The Dee Sanction, I’ve finally managed to get the whole thing down in a first draft.

Clearly the moment grabbed me, as 5,000 words just flowed out over the weekend, with some measure of relief.

To be transparent, the adventure spins off of material from an existing D&D adventure – so, this is not something I’ve created from nothing. However, as well as writing the adventure up from scratch—word-for-word brand new material—I’ve also sought and gained permission from the author to publish it with credit for the original.

It will form part of the ashcan release of the game, as the playtest adventures I’m keen to write up all effectively communicate the themes and atmosphere I want from the game. I fully expect a polished final adventure will also appear once the full version of the game sees release.

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